you've found a person you can truly see yourself growing old with, you're going
to need to make some promises to them. It's important that you keep these
promises throughout your relationship in order to continue building a trustful
and loving foundation throughout both of your lifetimes. Among others, the
following vows are meant to show just how much you care for your significant
other, and how dedicated you are to your relationship.
1. I
promise to listen
are built around communication, and communication is a two-way street. If you
want your voice to be heard, you must also be sure to listen to what your mate
has to say. Be open minded, and try to see things from their perspective. Doing
so will open the door to true understanding.
2. I
promise to learn
are hard work, especially if you've never been in a serious one before. There
is a lot to learn about how to treat a person you love, how to live with them,
and how to grow together. You'll make mistakes along the way, but as long as
you learn from them together , your relationship will continue to flourish.
3. I
promise to let you be you
because you're in relationship doesn't mean you have to change who you are. And
neither does your significant other. Don't try to change them into the
person you wish they were. You wouldn't be in love with them if they were
different. Let them continue on their path, and stick by their side at all
4. I
promise to let you grow
each person in a relationship is still an individual, you should both free to
grow as people, too. Don't hold the person you love back from following their
dreams. Know that they want to grow in order to better support you, and have
faith that their hard work and long work days will eventually pay off for your
5. I
promise to live for us
you've now living for a new family, not just yourself. You shouldn't to make
major decisions without consulting your significant other–but that's not a
bad thing. Discuss your wants, needs, hopes, and dreams together, and build
your relationship upon a common ground.
6. I promise to find a time
No matter how hectic life gets, you should always find
time to spend with the one you love. Don't get complacent in your relationship.
Even after a long day of work, you should always want to take your mate out for
ice cream or movie. Don't let time slip away; it's the one thing you can never
get back.
7. I promise to work as a team
Mix up the chores. Do the food shopping. Wash both cars.
Don't ever think of a task as "my job" or "my wife's job,"
"men's work" or "women's work". You're in this together;
act like it.
8. I promise to save things for just us
After a while, some experiences just aren't the same
without your significant other next to you. You'd never watch your favorite TV
show without him or her, and they'd never go to your favorite restaurant
without you. Some things are special because they're only meaningful when
you're together.
9. I promise to care about your interests
When you love someone, you'll find yourself having fun at
times tou thought you'd be bored aout of your mind. Buy tickets to a Broadway
show, even if you would never go to one without her. Bring him to a football
game, even if you don't understand the rules. You'll end up making memories
that will last a lifetime.
10. I promise to show you off
Never get tired of making it clear to the world that you
love this person. Hold their hand in public, and introduce the to new friends
and coworkers as "my wife" or "my husband" or
"my fiance". Talk about them constantly, even when you know it's
driving other people nuts. They're worth it.
11. I promise to keep trying to win you
Just because yoou've found "the one" doen't
mean you can't lose them. Do something every day that surprise them or makes
them feel worthwhile. Bring them flowers, clean the house, surprise them at work–anything
at all to keep things fresh. By doing so, you'll be proving your worth as well.
12. I promise to never get into a routine
Like I said: keep things fresh. Add some spice to life.
Try to do something new every week. Take a class together or go for a walk. Do
a puzzle or play a game. Don't get into the habit of coming home, eating
dinner, and just watching TV together. Make memories every single day.
13. I promise to always pick up the phone
Don't ever let a call from your significant other go to
voice mail if you can help it. Sure, they always call on their lunch break or
when they get out of work, but you never know if the next call you get will be
an emergency. Show them that they're your number one priority at all
14. I promise to love your family as my own
When you fall in love, you're not just adding one person
to your circle of lovrd ones. You also add their entire family, and you should
want to be a part of their circle as well. Learn their traditions, and visit
them during the holidays. Be an aunt, uncle, big brother or big sister. And be
true to them as you would your own flesh and blood.
15. I promise to keep you
Keep your significant other close. Keep them with you at
all times. Keep them on your mind, and in your heart. Keep them from danger,
and keep them from falling. Keep them in your life for as long as you both
Source: Tumblr
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