If you fall in love with me You don't need to take me away to the city You don't need to take me away to watch the lastest movie in the cinema You don't need to give me luxury things You don't need to do it all Not because I don't want to But because I know, it's useless I can't be fully happy with all of that For years I lost myself Then, over years I have also learned to understand, love, and accept myself; as I am And all that did not end in vain I found what I was looking for; my true self I understand now I am happier if you take me for a walk in the park or in the forest I am happier if you take me to see the sunrise and sunset I am happier with simple, sincere things Because that's what makes me feel really happy So, if you fall in love with me Please don't take me away to the city Written on Monday, August 27th 2018